Author: Andrea

  • Animal Update

    Firstly, a sad lament for our last pigeon who escaped and went searching for a new mate earlier this week. I hope he finds one. Our other pigeons were taken one by one by what we think we identified as an Egyptian Mongoose about 6 weeks ago. This one survived because Jeroen caught the murdering more »

  • Eco-Friendly Corga da Periera Toilettries now available in Danny’s Shop

    I was really excited to pick up another batch of Em’s wonderful products on Saturday, so these are now available for volunteers and visitors to purchase from Danny’s shop. The Corga da Periera range is all home made and ecologically friendly, so it’s exactly what we need to avoid polluting our wonderful life giving water. more »

  • New Poultry Run Open for Business

    It’s spectacular …. it’s spacious …. it’s the new poultry run! After the difficulties we’ve had with stray dogs and our chickens, we’ve made the rather sad decision that the poultry can’t be routinely free range any more. They’ll still get for out for a scratch about when we’re working on the big veg fields, more »

  • Thermal Mass Rocket Stove Workshop

    We’ve just come back from a Thermal Mass Rocket Stove workshop over at Corga da Periera, where Jeroen was helping to build a rocket stove in their tipi. The flue from the stove passes  through a cob bench (the thermal mass) as it exits, so the heat of combustion is retained and can be utilised, more »

  • Those Ducklings I Promised

    I cannot believe how big these guys are getting! They’re co-existing  with the chickens really happily now, and have moved into the chicken shed to allow the rabbits more room. The new poultry run should be ready shortly and they’ll welcome the extra space. This little paddling pond they’re using is just a hollow I’ve more »

  • Miracles DO happen

    Jeroen was up in the forest cutting goat food last week when a white van drew up asking for me. Unbelievably, they had 21 telephone posts with them and proceeded to erect them all the way along the track. On Friday afternoon another white van appeared and attached our brand new land line telephone. You can’t see more »

  • Speed Cameras? You must be joking!

    It may be getting close to April 1st, but I’m not sure the guys who set up this speed camera on the track outside the farm realised that. What do you think?       It’s an old PC monitor with a radio balanced on top. The monitor lead is tied to the top of more »

  • Kiva – Loans that Change Lives

    Anyone heard of Kiva Microfinance? If you haven’t, I urge you to take a look. Kiva allow individuals like you or me to loan small amounts to entrepreneurs in developing countries, which really make an enormous difference to their lives. Loans are made in multiples of $25. Let’s be honest, most of us can afford more »

  • New arrival in the Goat Shed

    Yesterday evening when I went to milk, I was thrilled to find that Horny the goat had finally produced a little one. I rushed off to fetch the boys, and in those few moments that I was gone she had a second one. This photo was taken within minutes of the births, so no apologies more »

  • The Ducklings have Arrived!

    There’s six of them, and they’re adorable! Julio from the village got them for us, and they’re the same breed as the delicious bird we had at Christmas. I’ve yet to work out what that actually is. Everyone had told me that ducks make a mess, but I hadn’t appreciated before now actually how much more »