Author: Andrea
Should I let him in, or not? I probably would, if I could stop laughing 🙂
It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything happy, so here’s a photo of the sheep enjoying the late afternoon sunshine. Lambert is far happier, as expected, since he’s had some company. Numbers increased so rapidly that I found myself having to find extra equipment. What do you think of my ‘make do’ hay more »
Officially summer!
With the help of fab volunteers Maria, Madalena and João, the Casalinho natural bathing pool is now full and ready to receive hot and grateful visitors. First clearing the winter’s growth of vegetation and the ever present brambles. Working by the dam to clear rocks washed into the gate over winter and ensuring it’s clear A job more »
Making Memories
This is what memories are made of. Volunteer Maria helps me by holding Ziggy the Piggy whilst we syringe feed her. Sadly Ziggy didn’t make it, despite our best efforts. We think it’s likely that the move was too much stress for such young piglets. Reg and Geraldine and settling in well though, and more »
Lambert is SUCH a handsome chap. And he knows it!
Winter hay
We’ve been working on storing winter hay and bedding today, taking advantage of glorious sun to dry it. With goats, pigs and sheep as well as poultry, we’re needing to up production this year.
Weak Piglet
This sweet little girl, one of our Vietnamese Pot Belly Piglets, is very weak today. We’re wondering if Mum’s milk has dried up as a reaction to the stress of transport. We’re topping her up with goat’s milk as an emergency measure. Please wish her well.
Vietnamese Pot Belly Pigs
New arrivals to the farm yesterday, a lovely little family of Vietnamese pot belly pigs. Two of the the sweetest piglets you ever saw, who sleep on top of Mum and Dad in a big snoring heap! More photos to come when they get to trust me a little more!
Nice Spot for a Teabreak
Reasons to be Cheerful: Caterpillar on Lupin
I’m afraid I’ve no idea what sort of caterpillar this is, but what an amazing colour!