Category: A Visitor’s Perspective
Healing Agriculture article
Healing Agriculture is a new(ish) blog and website produced by Katie Shepherd with a view to showcasing ‘the many people working in broad scale agriculture in Europe, aiming for ‘beyond sustainability’, using the ethics of Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share in their farming work and lives. ‘ At Casalinho we are honoured to have more »
A Visitor’s Perspective: A Letter to Dona Céu
This is part of a series of posts where we ask one of our visitors to say a few words about their stay. Dominik and Matic wrote this note to the lady who runs our local bar in Unhais o Velho. Olá Dona Céu, (Scroll down for English) Vamos embora amanhã, por isso queriamos more »
Ram Pump Workshop
A Ram Pump is a hydraulic pump which allows you to raise water from one point to another without using an outside power source. We’re astonished that they aren’t more widely known as you can make one at home. All you need is a water drop and cheap parts you’ll find in the plumbing aisle of more »
Easter at Casalinho
I’m pleased to report that the Easter Bunny appears to be well and living in central Portugal. We heard rumour that he had a mysterious horned assistant this year. I followed their trail around the garden, a good opportunity to take the camera. Easter more »
A Visitor’s Perspective – Sam Hangs with Beyonce
This is part of a series of posts where we ask one of our volunteers or visitors to say a few words about their stay. Sam worked with us this summer, and these are his reflections. I’d never had to chase a goat before. Especially not one hell-bent on using his new found freedom to more »
Our Week in Pictures: 31st January 2015
Our round up of what we’ve been working on at Casalinho, our developing permaculture project in central Portugal. With our first volunteers of 2015 now fully on board, we’ve been hard at work planting the new trees which I talked about last week. Now the mulberries and walnuts are in we are working on the oaks. more »
Our Week in Pictures: 14th January 2015
Our round up of what we’ve been working on at Casalinho, our developing permaculture project in central Portugal. Our first volunteers of 2015 are due to join us any day now, and we’re looking forward to getting some old projects finished and some new ones on the go. Here are some photos to give you more »
Tree Planting Project – Mulberries and Walnuts
Planting new trees has always been a significant part of our plan for Casalinho. Trees to enhance and repair our environment, to feed us, our animals and our soils. Almost all the fruit trees on this property were destroyed before we knew it, but we’re told that the lower portion of the property alone was more »
Our Week in Pictures: December 2014
December’s round up of what we’ve been working on at Casalinho, our developing permaculture project in central Portugal. Those of you who have been following these photo diaries will have noticed that I’ve not been publishing them for a little while. We’ve been taking a short break from hosting volunteers during December, just to catch our more »
A Visitor’s Perspective: Sam’s Diary – New Life
This is part of a series of posts where we ask one of our volunteers or visitors to say a few words. Sam has got to know our goats well whilst volunteering here. A Visitor’s Perspective: Sam’s Diary – New Life November 19th,2014 / Sam Wilder With winter in full swing and rain showers almost every night, Andrea was more »