Tag: Cats
Thunder yesterday, but a glorious blue sky today. If it could stay like this for the PDC starting on Friday it’d be amazing.
WTF is THAT?!!
First foray outside for the latest goat kid, and Pringle the cat isn’t quite sure what to make of it. Aren’t they gorgeous? And finally, a kiss <3
With thanks
With huge thanks to the generous hearted person who anonymously gifted us food for the dogs and cats. We (and they) are so grateful. Com enorme agradecimento à pessoa de coração generoso que anonimamente nos doou comida para cães e gatos. Nós (e eles) estamos tão agradecidos.
Should I let him in, or not? I probably would, if I could stop laughing 🙂
Gorgeous Tito here joined us in December when his owners could no longer look after him. After an adventurous start, he’s chosen to live next to the outside kitchen where there’s a roof he can shelter under and plenty of attention and he finally seems to be content. After all these months he’s more »